
Did you know that inflammation in the mouth is linked to diabetes, heart disease and stroke? Our mouths have bacteria that when left uncontrolled can cause decay, gingivitis and infection.

This can affect your whole body and well-being. Brushing and flossing daily and visiting a dentist twice a year has proven effective in maintaining overall health.

The Canadian Dental Association has created a Five Point Plan to help us to remember the key tips for maintaining a healthy smile.

  1. Brush your teeth carefully at least twice every 24 hours. It takes about 2 to 3 minutes to do the job right.
  2. Floss your teeth daily. Flossing cleans those areas your toothbrush simply can't reach like between the teeth and under the gum-line.
  3. Eat, drink, but be wary. Eat a well-balanced diet! Minimize sweet foods and drinks, especially between meals and please don't smoke. Smoking can promote serious dental problems like gum disease and oral cancer.
  4. Check your gums regularly for these signs of gum disease (the leading cause of adult tooth loss): red, puffy or tender gums, gums that bleed when you brush or floss and persistent bad breath. See your dentist if any occur.
  5. Visit your dentist for preventative checkups and professional cleanings. Regular treatment is the best way to prevent trouble and unnecessary expense.

Our dental hygienists will also perform a professional deep cleaning of your teeth during your appointment.

They will remove the build-up of plaque and tartar between your teeth and along your gums, and thoroughly polish and floss your teeth. Our hygienists will examine the health of your mouth and take x-rays when required.

By visiting us for regular checkups, South Pointe Dental is here for you to make sure your teeth, mouth and gums are healthy and strong.

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